Valentine’s Day is looming. If you need proof, just walk into your local Michael’s or Target. It’s a great holiday – so long as you’re not single. But if you are, and you’re surrounded by friends and love ones who are not, it can be a day that causes some serious weight. Maybe even loneliness? If you feel this way, raise your hand. You’re not alone. I know, it’s not that you need someone, it would just be kinda nice. After all, who doesn’t love a reason to celebrate and relationships bring plenty of that! However, just because you’re single doesn’t mean you should stop celebrating you. And that is what this post is about.
1. Shave your legs – all of your legs. Alright, if you’re not into shaving skip this one. But if you are, and you’re single, you’re probably pretending like you’re not into shaving. Right? Stop that. Just because nobody is touching them, doesn’t mean you should skip out on feeling sexy and comfortable in every inch of your own skin. For me, shaving is the ultimate thing before a date. I want silky smooth skin. For other women, it might be facials or a manicure. The point is, just because you aren’t doing it for someone doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be doing it for yourself.
2. Take yourself to dinner. There, now that you’ve shaved your legs or had your manicure, take yourself out. Not to meet people, though if you do that’s great too, but to treat yoself. It can be weird to go out to eat, especially dinner, alone. If you can, do it on a trip you make solo or venture into a local college town and eat at the restaurant. For whatever reason, it feels easier to eat alone when literally everyone you know is inaccessible, or there’s lots of people around you doing the same thing. Plus, a new place allows you to take in the atmosphere around you instead of hiding on your phone. Which you should’t do, because social media overload is the kind of anxiety causer you’re trying to avoid here.
3. Make yourself a candlelit dinner. I love candles. They litter the boxes, shelves, cabinets, and drawers in my apartment. And I love to cook, so candlelit dinners are right up my alley. Single, they happen much less. However, they shouldn’t. Don’t just eat your awesome meal in your bedroom. You can totally share your candle time with your latest binge-flick or read a magazine, too. Again, avoid social media. If you’re trying to learn to cook, this is the perfect thing you need to do all the time. It’s an excuse to practice a new recipe, and knowing you’ll be enjoying it among you’re favorite candles and whatever else pleases you will motivate you to put that much more love into it.
4. Take a trip. Hey, this sounds familiar. If it doesn’t, go back and read Number 2. Going on a trip alone is the ultimate me-time. It can even be a stay-cation. Take along something that you enjoy doing – for me, I would bring the handful of forensic articles I haven’t had time to read and some blog work. Sure, it’s work, but I really enjoy it. Spend a day exploring on the town or just soak in a bathtub with your favorite book or article, or whatever it may be. But this time is dedicated you-time. Don’t call and annoy all of your friends and family if you’re bored, get a little introspective and take care of yourself. Be okay hanging out with yourself.
5. Buy something that makes you feel sexy. Be it a cocktail dress, or some sexy lingerie. Even if you’ve got no reason to wear it. Go. Try it on. Find something you love. And buy it. I have several reasons for this. The silliest and most trivial – when you buy lingerie for a particular person, it kind of makes it hard to wear it with any one else. And then you’ve wasted a lot of money and a lot of great looks. SO. Buy your lingerie single and for you alone. Second, and most importantly, when you’re shopping for yourself, you’re picking the things that make YOU feel sexy, not what someone else thinks make you look sexy. Again, this is about self-care and loving yourself and the skin you are in.
In reality, this post relates to more than just single women. It applies to all women, and men I suppose to, though maybe more indirectly. It’s a people-post. You are the main character in your life. You are the person you have to live with everyday. Other people will come and go, either regulars season after season or just extras. But there’s no guarantee they will be there forever. You will, guaranteed, spend the most time with you. So, date yourself. Don’t rely on someone else to make you feel sexy and gorgeous and beautiful and powerful.
Happy Monday!
Linked up with: Still Being Molly, More Pieces of Me, Pink Sole, Monday Mingle, Fizz & Frosting, Life of Meg, Claire Justine, Mahogany Closet, Elegantly Fashionable, Style Elixir, Walking in Memphis, Mama & More, I Do deClaire, The Pleated Poppy, Tucker Up, Cappuccino & Fashion, Shopping My Closet, My Girlish Whims, Book of Leisure, A Sorta Fairytale, Reasons to Dress, The Mummy Chronicles, Classy Yet Trendy, Sydney Fashion Hunter, Stylin’ in St. Louis, Twenties Girl Style, Happiness at Midlife, Katherine’s Corner, Mix & Match Fashion, Curly Crafty Mom, A Labour of Life, East Coast Chic