I can’t believe it’s already Thursday. I still have so much work to do and my first final is at 8AM on Saturday morning. I quite nearly had a total breakdown yesterday. You know, stress doesn’t usually get to me so bad. Usually I work through stress really well, it’s even motivating. This quarter, however, I’m a lot more like this cat here. Since I’m so consumed with school, I decided to raid my iPhoto gallery on a study break and pull out some of my favorite lazy-but-cute looks from last year. I also included a short creepy little story from last year as well, click through to check it out!
Last year I had a lot of 8AM or early morning classes. Now, I’m a morning person, but I like to spend a while waking up, drinking my coffee, getting ready – I don’t like to be rushed. 9:30-10 is my favorite class time. Those were also the always full classes and I never got in, so I would grouchily crawl out of bed far earlier than I liked. I hated looking sloppy so I quickly became a master at this-looks-nice-but-I-can-nap-in-it-later looks. I did a lot of napping.
Truthfully, I wish I could be napping now. But I’ve got three projects to finish by Friday night so that’s not happening. Wish me luck everyone!