I really spent a long time deciding if I wanted to post Saving Grace, Part II today, which is a response to Part I that I posted on Friday. I really wanted it to go out at the beginning of the week, for somewhat symbolic reasons. I like beginnings of things, I hate ends (Sunrise over sunset). Finally, I decided to save it for Tuesday and post Friday’s outfit today instead. Breaking up the seriousness was part of the reason, but I also wanted time to sit on what I wrote. As of right now, I feel very secure in it. While I hope that parts of it will be outdated, everything is true. Hope is the dirtiest of dirty four letter words, though, so I expect nothing will change between now and it’s publication on Tuesday. In the meantime, enjoy a little style tip and inspiration: DON’T SAVE OUTFITS!
I was saving this dress for a special occasion, like a date, but I decided that just being alive was a special enough occasion and I shouldn’t save my favorite pieces for things I’m not sure will even happen. This dress is actually a size or two too large, but I loved it too much to leave without it. I belted it for security and to create shape. I was actually looking for a more sparkly belt, but didn’t have any. But who says I can only wear it once! Perhaps next time I can wear it in the date-night setting I wanted, with all the accessories I imagined, when I bought it. I still felt amazing in the dress, and I think it’s always important that we love our clothes worn a million different ways. As for the bracelet I’m wearing, it has a special post of its own coming up.